Ottomenu is a copyrighted work of Doug Overmyer. You are granted a license to use the work for 30 days. If you continue to use it, please register your copy by sending $10 to
Doug Overmyer
San Pedro Graphics
1817 San Pedro Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94707
I'll send you a registration code to suppress the startup notice and speed up loading your menu.
Using Ottomenu:
To use Ottomenu, just click one of the page icons on the Index page. It will jump you to one of 8 menu pages. Then click on the icon of the application you want to run. If you change your mind, you can return to the index page by clicking on the "rolodex" icon next to the direction buttons in the lower right corner of each page.
Adding Icons & Menu Items:
1. Use the "Run..." command from the "Utilities" menu to startup the application you wish to add.
2. Minimize the application and select the icon - do this by clicking once on the icon, waiting a couple seconds, and clicking again. The text below the icon should be highlited.
3. Use the Alt-PrtScr key combination to copy a bitmap of the icon to the Windows clipboard. You might want to run the clipboard to check on the results.
4. For DOS apps, you may wish to use the generic small icon on the last
pages of the book. You can copy it to the clipboard by clicking the icon.
5. Go to the page you wish to add the item to.
6. Choose "Paste Icon..." from the Utilities menu, and the icon will be pasted into the first available slot. (If no free slots are available, choose "Delete Icon..." first to remove one)
7. Choose "Change Menu Item..." from the Utilities menu. A wide text box will appear at the bottom of the page with three blank lines.
a. Click on the first line, and enter the Name or description you want to appear on the menu page, and hit return.
b. Type the application's executible name (full path if needed) on line two, followed by any startup parameters (still on line 2). Hit return.
c. On line three, type the startup directory (full path) if desired or needed. This entry is optional.
8. Click the red Finish button to transfer you entry to the menu page and close the text box.
Configuring the Index Page:
The index page has places for 8 page icons which you can use to go directly to the page of your choice. Next to each page icon is a text field to enter a brief description of the page. You can enter up to two lines of text. Brevity is needed here. You can change the icons as follows:
1. Check that there is a free slot for the new icon. If not, choose "Delete Icon..." from the Utilities menu and remove one.
2. Go to the last page in Ottomenu using the -->| button on the far right of the page. The last two pages contain a collection of page icons.
3. Click on the icon of your choice - it will be copied to the clipboard.
4. Go to the index page, choose "Paste icon" to paste in your choice from the clipboard.
5. Click in the text field next to the icon and change the text if needed.
6. If you prefer to "roll your own", copy the blank icon to the clipboard, paste it into Windows Paintbrush, add your own design, copy it back to the clipboard, and paste it in. I suggest that you first set the Paintbrush page size to "54 by 56" pixels (very small) using the "Options/Image Attributes" menu , and then "File/New" to actually change the page size before pasting the blank icon into Paintbrush.